TODAY is the Day!

Moms and Dads,


Today is the day! In just a few hours, we’ll have a historic vote in the Texas House on universal education savings accounts. This is the biggest step forward for parent empowerment we’ve ever seen in Texas, and we’re doing everything we can to ensure success for the millions of Texas parents and kids that are crying out for education freedom!


Like I mentioned in a previous email, there’s two major things that can happen today: One, the House passes ESAs to the Senate and we pass a huge hurdle on the way to empowering Texas parents, or two, the House strips ESAs out of the bill and passes a massive school funding bill with nothing for parents.


We need to make sure that the first one is what happens! That’s why we’ve organized t-shirts and tacos on the East Capitol Lawn at 9:15 AM TODAY! The House will gavel in at 10:00 AM today, and we want to pack the gallery with as many blue parent empowerment shirts as we can to show our legislators how important this issue is!


If you’re able to come, here are some important things to know:

  1. The House Gallery has some vital rules to follow, like:

    • No signs

    • No disruptions

    • No food and drink

  2. You can come and go from the gallery to take phone calls, use the restroom, and visit with legislators' offices.

  3. We want to be positive, respectful, and encouraging!

  4. The debate on school choice could take up to a few hours and there will probably be dozens of amendments—make sure to connect to the Capitol Wifi so you can read them on your phone!


If you can’t come, you can still help! Call, email, or tweet at your legislators by clicking here and entering your address. You can also follow the proceedings live by going to the House video/audio streaming website.


Today is the day where House legislators make a vital choice on whether or not to empower parents – let’s encourage them to stand with us!


For the children of Texas,

Mandy Drogin


Our Finest Hour


Stand Up For Parental Rights Tomorrow