Sharing a Heartbreaking Story

Moms and Dads,


I testified in front of the Senate Committee on Education yesterday, and it was one of the most difficult things I've had to do in years of fighting for parent empowerment.


I shared a heartbreaking story from a mother whose special needs son nearly took his own life after being bullied at school.

Thousands of Texas students are facing emotional and academic struggles because they are in the wrong school environment. Don't those kids deserve the option to find a better fit for their needs?


During our time traveling the state, my team and I have heard from countless parents like this one whose child is in a bad situation at school. They want their kid to excel academically -- of course -- but most importantly, they want their baby to be safe and happy.


There just a few precious weeks remaining in the legislature's special session.


All of us parents need to get on the phone with our representatives' offices and share our stories.


Tell them it's time to put parents in the driver's seat.


Tell them you want to be able to customize your child's education to fit their unique needs.


Tell them you support Education Savings Accounts.


Tell them the time has come for parent empowerment in Texas.


All I'm asking is a few minutes of your time. Together, we can make an enormous difference.


Please call your representative today:


Thank you,


Mandy Drogin

Campaign Director

Next Generation Texas



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